Monday Feb 26, 2024

Ep 270: Kids with tongue ties, Colic, Reflux, Sleep issues, ADHD? Orofacial myofunctional therapy may be the answer - with Tash Duffin

In today's conversation, we dive deep into the world of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy with the incredibly knowledgeable Tash Duffin. 🌟

👶 If you're a parent struggling to understand your child's colic, reflux, sleep, or speech issues, this episode is a treasure trove of insights and actionable advice. Tash, an occupational therapist and expert in pediatric feeding and sleep quality, shares her expertise on how early intervention can prevent and correct various health concerns.

👉 We discuss the red flags of orofacial myofunctional dysfunction, the truth behind tongue ties, and the impact of pacifiers on your child's development. Plus, Tash offers her take on baby-led weaning and the importance of proper chewing for jaw development.

Episode Highlights:

00:00:01 - Introduction to Tash Duffin

00:01:25 - Importance of Early Intervention

00:02:14 - Understanding Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

00:03:27 - Tash's Background and Journey

00:05:33 - Impact of Tongue Ties

00:09:10 - Warning Signs of Orofacial Myofunctional Dysfunction

00:11:12 - Effects of Mouth Breathing

00:15:07 - Tongue Posture and Development

00:20:55 - Sleep Quality and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

00:25:25 - Homeopathic Remedies and Support

00:32:36 - Considerations for Mouth Taping

00:43:50 - Benefits of Baby-Led Weaning

Guest Bio:

Tash is an Occupational Therapist trained in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, pediatric feeding, infant and early childhood sleep quality, and infant reflux. She is a mother of three vivacious, exuberant children and the founder of Whole Child Co. 

Her two youngest children are the inspiration and drive for her work. When trying to find help for their concerns she wasn’t satisfied with the “normal”/ ‘they’ll outgrow it” approach. Through this journey, she learned to trust her instinct and advocate for her children. She now supports parents to do the same. To listen to their gut instinct and help them navigate relationships with healthcare providers.


Find out more about Tash:



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