Monday Sep 19, 2022

Ep 111: Intuitive Homeopathy - with Angelica Lemke

As mothers, we all love our children and are desperate to find solutions to our children's complex health needs.

Today's episode will equip you to be the best healer for your family.

Angelica Lemke, ND is a homeopath and naturopath who has helped heal hundreds of chronic complex cases – from recovering cases of ASD to building the immune systems of people with Lyme and PANDAS, to finding the root causes in cases that ‘nobody can figure out’. She recently published her book – Healing Complex Children with Homeopathy, which includes extensive materia medica on homeopathic remedies specific to children who have special needs, immune system challenges and behavioral issues. Angelica is a graduate of Georgetown University, Bastyr University, and the New England School of Homeopathy, and is based in Ashland, Oregon.

Check out these episode highlights:
02:41 - About Angelica Lemke and Intuitive Homeopathy school
04:40 - A quote from a mother with autistic child
06:34 - How Intuitive Homeopathy supports kids with ASD, Pandas/Pans, Lyme, ADHD and more
08:42 - Why Angelica gets criticism when teaching homeopathic remedies to mothers
15:37 - Why do homeopaths criticize fellow homeopaths
19:48 - How do we fix the mess that children's health is in at the moment chronically worldwide
22:27 - Why self-healing is important
41:08 - Why mothers should be empowered to make decisions for themselves

Tune in to learn more values from this episode!

Know more about Angelica at

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