Friday Sep 09, 2022

Ep 108: Bioenergetics - with Dr. Laura Brayton

Are you feeling empowered about giving birth?

The process of preparing your body, mind, and spirit for becoming a mother, essentially, starts even before conception. Joining me today is Dr. Laura Brayton, and we will be talking about empowering pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.

All about Laura:
Chiropractic College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Laura holds certifications in Chiropractic Pediatrics, Webster Technique for Breech Presentation, Sacro-Occipital Technique (S.O.T.), Craniopathy, BioEnergetics Practitioner, is an advanced level practitioner of Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) and a Tupler Technique® trainer. 
She is the owner and founder of Hoboken Family Chiropractic + Wellness, in Hoboken, NJ. She is passionate about educating and empowering women from conscious conception, healthy pregnancy, empowered birth, and joyful motherhood to holistic health and lifestyle.

Follow her on FB and IG @drlaurabrayton and at for more information on her podcast, “Well-Adjusted Mama” and her preconception/fertility courses, Brayton Birth Method.

Check out these episode highlights:
06:03 - How Laura was introduced to Homeopathy
08:36 - What is Bioenergetic testing
10:34 - Laura's homeopathic remedy experience
13:59 - Deep cleansing process for a preconception woman
15:08 - How does homeopathy help pregnant women
16:04 - The benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy
19:02 - Babies' head scent can lessen aggression
20:55 - Indications of nervous system stress in newborns
22:15 - An empowered pregnant mom going into an empowered birth experience
24:20 - The Brayton Birth Method

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